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Restless at home, and ever prone to range  (Prone Quotes) Growing up, I was prone to anxiety  (Prone Quotes) How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise!  (Prone Quotes) Men are more prone to revenge injuries than to requite kindness  (Prone Quotes) A tongue prone to slander is the proof of a depraved mind  (Prone Quotes) I think I’m prone to not being a good guy in relationships  (Prone Quotes) I think I’m prone to panic  (Prone Quotes) I’m not clumsy, I’m just accident prone  (Prone Quotes) Women are naturally prone to compete over their mates  (Prone Quotes) Neurotics are anxiety prone, accident prone, and often just prone  (Prone Quotes) All things can corrupt when minds are prone to evil  (Prone Quotes) Of plants tomatoes seemed the most human, eager and fragile and prone to rot  (Prone Quotes) Yes, risk taking is inherently failure prone. Otherwise, it would be called sure thing taking  (Prone Quotes) The mind is but too naturally prone to pleasure, but too easily yielded to dissipation  (Prone Quotes) Men are more prone to cheating, definitely  (Prone Quotes) Whoever refuses to remember the inhumanity is prone to new risks of infection  (Prone Quotes) All institutions are prone to corruption and to the vices of their members  (Prone Quotes) The more insecure you are, the more prone you are to create crises  (Prone Quotes) I am prone to get carried away thinking about creative projects  (Prone Quotes) Moon! Moon! I am prone before you. Pity me,and drench me in loneliness  (Prone Quotes) Human beings are prone to believe the things they wish were true  (Prone Quotes) I’m prone to a more depressed outlook on life  (Prone Quotes) Creative people are more prone to depression  (Prone Quotes) You are as prone to love, as the sun is to shine  (Prone Quotes) Occupants of public offices love power and are prone to abuse it  (Prone Quotes) Rogues are prone to find things before they are lost  (Prone Quotes) Genius, apart from natural sensitiveness, is prone equally to unreasoning joy and to bitterest morbidness  (Prone Quotes) Creative thought seems prone to flower in symbols before it ripens to fruit  (Prone Quotes) History is prone to mistakes in identity, and facts are not always solid things  (Prone Quotes) The first evil those who are prone to talk suffer, is that they hear nothing  (Prone Quotes)
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